Sunday, December 14, 2008


If I can get Christian Bale to pick me up in one of these things in his over 9000 Bruce Wayne form, oh man, I will be one ecstatic panda. *___* Click on the image for a larger view.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christian Bale

I gotta admit I definitely enjoyed working on this... toned bodies get me every single damned time *-* Now excuse me while I trot off to buy both Batman movies on blu-ray.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

BMD Family

Click on image for a larger view

pixel mugs created by Yu Kito

Monday, December 1, 2008


For the next 5 entries or so, you will see nothing but cars, cars, cars,cars, CARS. I love all sorts of machinery and cars are no exception. I attended the LA Auto Show last weekend and had fun with all the lighting they've set up. What is my dream car, you ask? That's pretty easy. It's the Audi R8 (starting at $114,200, nonetheless!). Yes, it's the same car that RDJ drove in IRON MAN. Of course, you saw that one coming.

The first set you see is the Scythe, which was in the Kentia hall. After seeing this monster, you'd see why. Click the image for a larger view.